Monday, April 28, 2008

Nail in the coffin

If you have been following the VN adoption updates on the DOS site, you know that things are bad. For those of you who don't follow this stuff on a daily basis, the Department of State has released a statement about all of the unethical things they have uncovered in VN adoptions. They go on to say that no dossiers will be accepted after July 1 and all dossiers without referrals will be returned to the agencies on Sept 1. That latter scenario is where we will fall. There is no way we will have a referral, so game over. In light of the accusations that the DOS has made, I feel like there is no way that VN won't close for a long time. The last closing was from 2003-2006. So we are back to the drawing board. Our agency has all our money and won't return it. They also do not have any open programs that they can switch us to. Rock. Hard place.

For those of you who don't know, this journey to try to add to our family has been going on for about 4 years. We did all the infertility stuff. Then we did all the adoption stuff. You come to a point where you question whether you are meant to have a child. That is where I am now. We could try to pursue adoption with Taiwan, but I don't think I can bring myself to invest thousands more in dollars and hours, and be disappointed again.

If we are meant to have a child, I guess it will eventually happen. I've done all I can. Now it is in God's hands.


Unknown said...

Hey there! I just came across your blog for the first time.
The situation in Viet Nam is certainly a tough one now. Daniel and I started the adoption process in December of 2006, never anticipating these kinds of problems. Now we are just climbing the walls waiting for I600 approval for our Caroline (one month down, probably 2 more to go). I know that this has to be a tought time for your family. However, I do want to say that I hope that you don't give up on your dream to be a mother. The shut down in Viet Nam may just mean that your Caroline is in another country.
We originally thought our daughter was in China, then we thought she was in Viet Nam, then we thought Guatemala, then we were back to Viet Nam... IA is a bumpy, hard road. But in the end, I have no doubt that we will have the daughter who was meant for us all along. I hope that you continue to follow your heart.