Friday, January 25, 2008

Picture woes

We are having picture issues. First of all, adding pictures to the blog has not been going so well. Everytime I go to add pictures, I get the "spinning candy" ,as I call it (that's the technical term folks. . . hope you can keep up with my highly technical computer lingo). I wait and wait for the pic to download, and then get bored and move on to something else. Maybe one of these days, I will actually be patient enough to download the pictures.:)

Also, along the picture train of thought, I am in the process of getting pictures together for the dossier. I know that this doesn't sound like a difficult task, but it is proving to be. I take TONS of pictures. Really, you should see the number of photo albums that I have. And yet I am having a hard time coming up with pictures of everyone. This difficulty is due in part that my DH's side of the family is HUGE and we are limited in the number of photos we can send in. So I am trying to track down pictures that have as many family members in them as possible. Also, adding to the difficulty is the fact that my sister has not taken a picture in years.

In general, DH and I are thrilled with the dossier process (not really). First of all, how fun to get medical forms completed AGAIN, and fingerprints completed AGAIN. My sister never understood why my agency asked for that stuff when we turned in the application. Now I understand because all that stuff is going to be too old for the dossier, so we have to get them done for a second time. Also, we are both a bit stressed about the check that gets mailed in with the dossier. We just wrote a really big check and very soon we will be writing another even bigger check. Gulp!


Shanna Mac said...

Dude, you have a blog?!??! How did I not know about this?! Sheesh!

Yes, the Mattie has left me, and I now have a TANK (old Tahoe). We're rebudgeting, so the matrix got the monthly payment boot.

Would you be up for lunch next week?

Lina said...

Hi! Thanks for checking out my blog. As for the question you asked about the DIA continuing to match, that is still up in the air. I have heard that they will...but they have not publicly stated it as far as I know.

Do you have dial up? Dial up would take forever to upload photos. But if you have high speed I don't know why it would take so long. Have you tried making a copy of your photo and shrinking it down? I use IrfanView to shrink my photos sometimes - you can download it free on the web.