Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Absent blogger

Yes, I have been absent from the world of blogging for quite some time. The reason for that? Essentially, I have had no positive updates and didn't want to bring the world down with me. My friend Shanna seems to think that blogging could be therapeutic. Come to think of it, I do recommend journaling to counseling clients, so maybe I should take my own advice!

On the adoption front, Vietnam is closing and we will not be far enough along in the process to proceed with the adoption. To further complicate matters, our agency does not have any open countries that we can switch to. We got into the Taiwan program with another agency, but our current agency is holding our money. In fact, they just sent out an email requesting donations. They need $800,000 to stay afloat. Not to be pessimistic, but that seems like a lot of money for them to expect people to donate. . . . not very realistic. At this point, I am thinking that the 10k we have spent towards this adoption is down the tubes. Add that to the 10k we spent on fertility treatment and you get one very unhappy Chris and Lisbeth!

People keep asking me what I am going to do, so I will just make it clear for everyone right now. I HAVE NO IDEA. I am usually a person of action, but right now I don't see any paths to take. Instead, I am burying my head in the sand. I am avoiding all adoption blogs at all costs, and I'm just trying to keep busy with fun activities. I feel like the entire situation is out of my hands, and I am just going to do my best to enjoy life.

Here's some recent pics of us enjoying life:

And here's some of the latest pictures of my adorable nieces:

My nieces are in the blue and green plaid dresses. Notice Katie's frownie face in the first pic (far left). She is too funny!
The other children in the pictures are all from China and Vietnam, and are part of Alisa and Katie's playgroup.