Tuesday, December 18, 2007

Worst blogger ever

One would think that I would post on my blog more than two times before I got slack about it. . . .but one would be underestimating my laziness. In my defense, it is holiday season and I have been a bit busy!

On the adoption front, we were approved by our homestudy and are waiting for the report to come in the mail for us to proof. The homestudy was not bad at all. It was very entertaining for me to watch Chris during the process. Who knew he could talk so much! Of course, she was asking him to talk about himself! :)

We are also waiting on the appt to be fingerprinted in Charlotte. I really wish they would hurry up b/c we can't proceed until we get that done. I know, sis. I should have sent in the form earlier.

Chris and I are working on our adoption education requirements. I started reading a book entitled "20 things adopted kids wish their adoptive parents knew." I'll report back on that one. . .

On other topics, I am soooo ready for Christmas vacation. I am done with my Christmas shopping. Everything is wrapped. Christmas menu is planned. House is decorated (although just a scaled down, "nomal" amount of decorating). Bring in on! My family is coming here for Christmas and then we will go over to Chris' parents house after they leave. I am really excited for all of the kids to open their gifts. As always, I went a little overboard, but everything is just so darn cute!

Apparently my mom has a gift for Caroline. I wondering if she realizes that Caroline probably has not even been born. Heck, she probably hasn't even been conceived. I think she just wants to be able to say that she gave Callie the first gift!:)

Oh and by the way, I decided against sending out Christmas cards. I love all of your cards with all of your adorable children, and when I have a child, I will send out an equally cute card. Till then, don't be insulted because no one got a card! Just know that we love you all even though we are slackers and we hope you have an awesome holiday!

And finally, as promised (and to get Pete off my back), the pic of the pergola