Saturday, January 23, 2010

Going to be better. . . promise!

I have been horrible about keeping up with this blog. . . which is really sad because it would be a great way to record the adventures of Callie O'Malley!

Right now I am a little worried about my little angel. She has been napping for 3 hours. That makes about 5 hours of napping today, in addition to her 11 hours of sleep last night. I know the girl likes to sleep, but this is getting ridiculous!

Callie is growing and changing so fast. "Mama" and "Dada" are regular parts of her vocabulary, calling us by name and saying "mama" to indicate that she wants something. She is a realy good crawler and cruiser. She also walks with her walker. I think she will soon be walking, but I am in no rush. . . she is so super cute crawling around and I want to hold on to the baby stage a little longer! She can climb the entire flight of stairs by herself. She is teething on everything, including her crib and my den furniture. She has 6 teeth so far, but two more are trying to come in.

For now, I am off to check on the sleeping little darlin'. I'll write more soon. . . promise!